About Us

Pediatric Sleep Consulting

Meet Courtney

I'm Courtney, your certified pediatric sleep consultant! I'm a wife, mom to two little boys and sleep enthusiast! I love spending my days with our sons and I also love evenings with my husband after our sons go to sleep with the confidence they are going to sleep 12 hours. 
I strongly believe that all children can be good sleepers without being left to "cry it out" and would love to make that happen in your life!

Parenthood is exhausting, but I realized that I didn't have to do it sleep deprived.

My sleep journey began 2 years ago after having my first baby. My husband and I were doing everything we could to get our baby to sleep and we were absolutely exhausted! I felt like I was in a fog all day. As much as I loved our baby, I remember so well saying, "I can't believe this is my life now. I am never going to sleep again." I was breastfeeding, but was strongly considering switching to formula because you know, everyone says, "breastfed babies don't sleep all night." Every time our son cried we almost assumed he was hungry (looking back he was so overly tired!). I stumbled upon a sleep consultant's instagram page and started following her. Wake windows? I had no idea a baby a certain age has a max amount of time they can stay awake! I knew babies slept a lot, but I also had people telling me if he was up longer during the day, he would sleep better at night.

We never used a specific sleep training method with our first son. We started following wake windows during the day, a solid consistent bedtime routine and practiced putting him down awake to see if he would fall asleep independently. He quickly went from waking every hour, to twice a night, to once a night, to sleeping 12 hours and he hasn't turned back. Flash forward 22 months and we had our second son, but had the confidence this time to understand his sleep needs and make sleep a priority from day one. 

Every new mom and every veteran mom receives constant advice..."If you put rice in her milk before bed, she will sleep all night." and the list goes on, but I am here to give you proven solutions that will get your child and entire family the sleep you deserve. Every baby is truly unique with different needs, but I am confident I can coach you through getting your child to fall asleep independently!

Here's How I Can Help

Two week sleep consultation with individualized support and coaching.

45 minute group call to help set your newborn up with good sleep habits 

30 minute call to troubleshoot your sleep related questions